OK so I needed a new business task desk for a spare bedroom. I went to a big box store (no names mentioned because I want to do business with them some day) and I bought what looked like a spartan simple task desk that would do the trick with 2 drawers and a keyboard slider. It was not very big. I ordered it in the store and had it shipped to my house. Big mistake.

The sales associate never said, “assembly required.” Stupid me…..I forgot all about this old trick. A Rubik’s Cube in a box for sure. A 16 Page catalog of instructions, at least it was 8-1/2 x 11″ and not micro print and it will only take you about 45 minutes to put it together. But what it did ask for were additional tools like a rubber mallet. (I do not own a rubber mallet, yet). There must be at least 150 to 200 pieces to this desk with all the nuts, bolts, screws etc. Don’t forget the particle board. Oh yeah, the box said “made in China” on the outside.

I must ask myself, how is it cheaper to make a desk out of 150 million parts, make wood out of sawdust, then ship the bloody thing 10,000 miles vs. sawing down a tree here in the USA, putting a saw and some glue to 10-20 pieces of wood and assembly?

Wood texture.

Buy Real Wood Products

I am now making a personal a commitment to self to only buy real wood products, and used if that. No more “new particle board,” I give up. But I have options, I can take the desk to big box store and have it assembled for $100! The cost of the desk is like a $130. I bet I could have gotten a great antique desk on Craig s list or E-BAY FOR LESS THAN $100 and already assembled, don’t you agree?

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