I saved this comment on this article and republished it here since I did not see a confirmation it was going into moderation or elsewhere.  I typically do not spend a lot of time on site comments but I figured this one deserved my 2 cents.  The article title is:  What does sales 2.0 actually mean?

Comments might be on : http://www.insidecrm.com/features/what-sales2-mean-091708/index.php

Sales technology, tracking, CRM have improved in the past 20 years, so let’s call it Sales 2.0.  🙂   Sales 2.0 does NOT foster brand loyality.  Branding is created by the marketing department and it is an image that creates TRUST, logos do this really well…"call it corporate identity."  Sales people have the opportunity to extend that BRAND LOYALITY but they ARE NOT brand loyality.  In terms of cuing the sales person on buying signals Sales 2.0 does not do this.  The sales person asks the buyer questions (engagement, but a normal sales process) and if the questions are relevant the sales person has an opportunity to follow up with a deeper probe and then hopefully the buying signals appear AFTER enough value has been delivered.

What is needed is REVENUE 1.0 and Profits 1.0. People buy from people.  When you have a product that is ordered online without a human a la Amazon, Netflix that could be considered Sales 2.0, however not all business models support that type of transaction.  If I want to buy a banana I buy it from a human.  New buzz words like "customer engagement" and "Sales 2.0" keeps authors and ad agencies in  business.  🙂  jim  www.speechrep.com

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